Paleo Diet Menu For A Healthy Standard Of Living

Corriander leaves - These leaves are used as a garnish and flavour enhancer to many dishes, especially curries. They are also grounded into a paste together with mint leaves to make the base of fresh relishes.

It is extensively used in China. Its medicinal qualities are yet to be researched. It reduces cholesterol (all propaganda against cholesterol has been thoroughly exposed by the authors), rejuvenates the body and has even Viagra effect, though not immediately. My right hand used to shake while writing. Now it is not there. It shows a link to the nervous system.

Bhaturas are one of my all time favorites. Usually thick and soft, they can be crispy too and are traditionally eaten with one of many varieties of chickpea curry. Refined flour forms the base for this bread, which is leavened with yoghurt and yeast and flavored with a little sugar and salt. After rising, the dough is rolled out and pulled from one side to make it slightly elongated, after which it is deep fried in hot oil.

Heat ghee is a pressure cooker. Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds, cinnamon, black cardamom, black pepper and onion and cook until lightly browned. Add lamb and roasted Continue red pepper and continue.

Open Cuts and Wounds- As soon as you have some kind of injury, sprinkle turmeric over it. It has antiseptic qualities and hastens the healing of wounds. You can also use it for healing of burns. It will not leave behind any scar tissue or unsightly marks after healing.

If it is not possible even then to get a cure for obesity, we have to wait till more researches in the fields of energy medicine and bio energetics discover some successful techniques to unlock the doors of DNA and effect a vibrational repair to change the genetic code!

Another effective remedy for vertigo is the intake of strawberries. As strawberries are rich in vitamin c in comparison to orange juice. So take lots of strawberry in addition to a cup of yoghurt and some milk and almond also. It is yummy and tasty also and it is effective also to reduce the complications caused by vertigo.

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